EDUCATIONCurrently a student with Braintracks audio’s Nancy Wolfson and Zeke Hardman
Attended The Voice casters Beginning and Intermediate courses with Kelly Moscinski Attended Improv LA’s Intro and intermediate courses with Keith Saltojanes Was deans Listed (98% average at Herzing colleges 2 year Paralegal course and worked as a legal assistant at a criminal defense law firm. EQUIPTMENTProfessional Isolation booth
Focusrite Solo interface Scarlette Studio Condensor mic Custom built cpu Adobe Audition |
ABOUTI was always a bit of a goofy kid growing up… introverted and weird to be exact. This allowed me the ability to live inside my own head, create my own worlds and live in a life of imagination. Yup, you guessed it I was that weird skinny kid with massive ears and a banging mushroom cut, waging war with forces unknown. Darting from hedge to hedge in the mean streets of the Clare Street Housing Co-operative. We didn’t have a lot or any money growing up so my weapons were an eclectic mixture, but I still made do.
Now you might be asking yourself why is the guy rambling about playing Rambo as a young kid? Well, the answer is simple as I always found solstice in my own head in challenging times. I had a massive Ah-Ha! moment when I joined the army during my soldier qualifications course My Sergeants, Warrant officers, and everyone else always loved me spouting out at morning roll call after butchering my name a few times… Gunner de Bassencourt? Gunner de Barrencourt? …(I’d often have to chime in).”Gunner de Bassecourt present and accounted for Sergeant.” One of my Master corporals always had me recite excerpts from “the Champ” radio show based out of Toronto. I also had important meetings in the NCO’S office where I would stand at attention in front of a group of NCOs and pipe-out lines provided to me from the drill sergeant scene in “full metal Jacket”. I also often got various reviews on my singing capabilities while in the shower sometimes positive and sometimes negative… After the army I went back to “construction” for a while then I met a wonderful woman who inspired me to go back to school where quite frankly I killed it academically speaking while working my way through college as a personal trainer a hardcore personal trainer to be exact. But, when I actually ended up in the field going to remand court and spending my mornings in the courthouse and my afternoons in a feisty Geraldene Castle Trudels office I wanted full-heartedly to have the stature and prestige of being a lawyer and loved the challenge but, I hated the monotony and the forms my god why are there so many forms and to be quite honest I found the whole process and system to be one giant elaborate farce. A room full of people in suits on their phones hanging out all morning to stand up and say three or four lines and then go from glass window to glass window and sweet talk the clerks to ensure smooth delivery of my forms? It seemed surreal to me I then knew that I could relate to my favorite actor bill Murray in “Groundhog Day” So I quit and moved on to bigger and better things… kind of… I struggled and worked various construction jobs until I landed a job as a granite installer. I did that for about ten years until I got an itch to move so I of course packed up whatever my Subaru could hold and headed west and down as far as I could go to the big bad Los Angeles. When I moved, I felt the need to harness my creativity… but what could I do? The answer was always there... shoot people had been teasing me for my voice my whole life and when it all comes down to it people tease what is unique and special, so I did some research read a few (23) books on voiceovers and how to start up my own business doing them. I finally got a referral to “The voice caster” where I took my very first classes and BOOM, I was hooked this is what I wanted to do… I continued on taking classes and practicing to my heart's content eager to hone my craft. A year and change passed, and I hit that pivotal point where I concluded that I needed a more academic approach and that’s when I got serious and hired a coach. (Nancy Wolfson and Zeke Hardman) and built my very own isolation booth which tricked out my reads and has honestly taken me to the next level. So I am happy to say that over the last two years my voiceover journey has come a long way and I aim to finetune my artform and with a little Sisu, I will become the next big thing. |